Be intentional and state to the universe that you are calling all of your power back to yourself.
“I am perfect, right here and now.”
What you see and hear, especially, imprints on your being. Therefore, it is very important to consider what is being imprinted. There are two key times during the day: when you wake and before you sleep. In your time scale, allowing 30 minutes of positive higher energy imprinting at these times is important. There are …
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Letting go
In letting go you are saying to yourselves and the Universe that you understand that everything is energy and you intend to vibrate at a higher energy. That intention is powerful.
From struggle
Struggle comes from misalignment with your true selves.
It is time to embrace your greatness.
Trust yourself
“Your true self is at peace with all externalities because in that peace there is a knowing that, ultimately, everything is okay.”
Cloud philosophy and the cloud person
“Oh how grateful one should be if a cloud person; to share the atmosphere and hold up a rainbow; the most beautiful and complete reflection of love.”