Today I am grateful for early mornings and the opportunities it brings to have time to myself – time to write, to meditate, to reflect. Waking in darkness, emerging with the birds, greeting the sun as it rises sets me up for a long and productive day.
There is an energy about this time that I like to revel in – of alignment, of oneness with my purpose.
If this is for you, wake up earlier tomorrow morning. Just 10 minutes earlier is enough to start with and gradually increase that time if you can. Use this time to honour you: your dreams, your needs. Spend the 10 minutes writing … reflecting on what you are grateful for. Find a short guided meditation or energising yoga suited to you. Select a gratitude or guidance card and let it take you on a journey into yourself.
Then start the day, knowing that you have first honoured how amazing, beautiful and valuable you are.
If you need some morning bird calls, open the below link: