Mastery is for you to decide if you want it.
Everyone is Source – Oneness. And everyone has the opportunity to come to Source and know it, to rest in that space, whether it be in meditation, through guided imagery, everyone can come for a time. However, mastery, living as close to Source in every moment, as you go about your daily life, is only possible to those that do more. That is the truth in 3D earth. It is so dense, there is so much mind control, which you participate in, that your only way, apart from giving up everything and becoming a monk or nun etc., is to become a master. This can be done through repetition, dedication, resolving with all of your being to expend your energy on practice.
Practice coming to Source, knowing the mind of Source, having the mind of Source. This means working endlessly against the mind control, and doing that often and long enough so that when you are engaged in the reality of your 3D earth life, it has no control over you. With mastery you are immune to the ups and downs of life. Also, as your control over your own mind and your own ability to create reality grows, the ups and downs lessen. Life is much calmer for you, peaceful, joyful, less hectic, less dramatic. You will still experience the cycles of life, yet you are harmonised with those cycles, flowing with them.
So I have to choose?
Yes, it is only because 3D earth is so dense, gravity so strong, mind control so rampant, that you cannot naturally, effortlessly be who you are.
But that is what my writing has said is possible, that is what Guidance cards and other writing says.
It is so, in the energy from where those messages come, yet that is outside the 3D. Where you are, as a collective, in the hive mind you are in, effort is needed. I’m sorry to be the messenger. I know that you know who you truly are – that you know, outside of the 3D matrix binding earth beings right now, that you are effortlessly Source, joyful, fulfilled, sustained. Yet, you also know that you chose to be here, at this time, when the efforts of you and people like you will shift for good the 3D matrix.
You fear the shifting, you know shifts create calamity, and so it is true. Yet, each person came here with a plan, for themselves, for the higher cause of Oneness. They must follow that plan, as you must. We can intervene but only to assist in the fulfilling of your plan.
You have a very high, ambitious, important, universe changing plan that, in your 6D self could easily be implemented. Yet the weight of 3D, gravity, body form, mind control, substances, poisons, toxicity, etc. has been more than you reckoned on. We have intervened to help you to continue with your plan. We will ensure it is fulfilled and we will intervene again and again, as often as we need, such is the importance of your role here.
You are not going to run out of time. You are eternal and ageless. Yet, timing is important as your plan is aligned to others from 5D, 6D and even 7D, who came here in cooperation to lift earth out of the 3D matrix, yet only once enough are enlightened. And we are almost at that time and therefore the need becomes greater, the lightworkers amass in many numbers to ensure that all who are needed, such as you, are in place, fully enlightened selves standing in knowledge of who you truly are.
Unfortunately, not all are here who were called. They are caught up in the lies, the trauma, stuck in the thinking of dense 3D and not able to see beyond it, except for snippets here and there. Some are bogged down too far and won’t arise, some of what you would call conspiracy theorists, recently anti-vaxxers, they were key, important, enlightened masters in other densities. They have been captured by the final, last gasping act by the reptilians, the release of a pandemic. This has caught them in a trap and so mired are they in it that they will not emerge in time.
This means that your presence and enlightenment is even more important. Others are strengthened, many through the lockdowns which the reptilians did not foresee, which is why they called on their slaves, so many in your Parliament, to put an end to them as soon as possible.
You need to be aware that mind control has a hold over all of you, yet not reptilian mind control, there is a difference, which is why you have the political beliefs you do. It is important for you to know that whilst you think it is so, you will not make the changes inside the places you call Parliaments, or even in Government. This is because once you get there, the mind control would become so much greater, as it has for almost all of them, that your goals and aspirations will change to earthly matters, rather than universal matters.
We need you focussed on the universal powers and laws, not the powers and laws of one country or one state and certainly not a local area in that state. That is what the mind control would have you think though, that your great and almighty power can change a little local government. However, you too would succumb and even more mind control would be exerted over you, as it is to all.
You are above that and we know it is hard to accept. We need you to think from the mind of Source, see above all the trauma and daily cuts that we know you experience and repeat again and again. We need you to seek mastery.
We need you to believe that you are healed. We need you to accept your greatness – we cannot have you hide from it. We need you to practice mastery, control, discipline, rest in that deep inner knowing of who you truly are and through your mastery, let this knowing grow. We need you to know that you are good enough and to not let your greatness scare you.
It is time to embrace your greatness.